It is said that diseases start in the stomach. And if the stomach is free from constipation, then its functioning is smooth and when the functioning of the stomach is smooth then all the diseases automatically stay away. To stay healthy, it is necessary that the stomach should be kept fit and in this view regular practice of Yoga, Mudrasana can be a good solution. Therefore Yogamudrasana also corrects the functioning of the nerves associated with the spine, therefore the usefulness of yoga practices is very important.
Method of asana:
- First, sit straight with the legs extended in front.
- And now bend the right knee and place the foot on the left thigh in such a way that the heel is adjacent to the origin of the knees.
- Then bend the left leg from the knees and place the foot on the right thigh in the same way as you had placed the right foot on the left before.
- Actually, this is Padmasana. Which is very suitable for the practice of yoga Mudrasana? If it is not possible for you to sit in Padmasana, then you can also sit in Ardha Padmasana at your convenience. For this, you have to bend both knees, but keep only one foot on the thigh. And you can put the other foot under one foot.
- Now you close your eyes. Take a deep breath and release the body.
- Take both hands back towards the back and grab the wrist of one hand with the other hand.
- And while exhaling slowly, bend forward in such a way that the frontal is towards the floor.
- Release the body again and breathe normally. And then stay in this posture for as long as possible.
- Then while pulling the breath inwards, come back to the previous position.
- To sit, repeat the same process by alternating the legs in the position of Padmasana, that is, keeping the right foot instead of the left and the left foot instead of the right.
Benefits of this asana:
- It massages the abdominal muscles. Due to this, minor and major diseases occurring in different parts of the stomach are treated. It proves to be very beneficial, especially in the case of constipation and indigestion.
- It also nourishes the spinal cord. By creating elasticity in the nerves attached to the spine, it makes their functioning smooth and improves health.
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Malasana for Constipation:
Malasana can get rid of all stomach-related problems including constipation. To get rid of problems like chronic constipation, stomach pain, and acidity, we take the help of medicines, which gives us relief for some time, but after some time these problems surround us. But by doing continuous Malasana, you can get rid of the problem of constipation. This asana means the posture in which we sit while passing stool is called Malasana.
Method of Malasana:
- To do Malasana, first, bend your knees and sit in the state of defecation.
- After sitting, put the armpits of both your hands on both knees.
- And now join the palms of both hands and make Namaskar Mudra.
- Now slowly inhale and exhale, you have to sit in this state for some time.
- And now slowly open your hands and stand back up.
Precautions for doing yoga asanas:
- Do not practice this asana if you have a serious disease in your eyes, back, or heart for a long time.
- Even if any kind of operation or delivery has taken place, it should be practiced only after stopping for a few days after the health becomes normal.
Take special care of these things:
- While doing the asana, if you can not practice it for enough time, then you can practice it two-three times for a short time.
- Practice Malasana either in the morning before breakfast or in the evening at least four hours after lunch.
- After Yogamudrasana, one should also do such an asana in which the back is bent backward.