Many people who keep their eyes closed while working continuously for 8-10 hours on the computer, have their eyes get damaged. But eyesight cannot be increased by using glasses. Eyesight can be maintained by doing yoga.
Everyone is familiar with the benefits of yoga, but do you know that for healthy eyes also you can take the help of some asanas and yoga asanas? By adopting eye yoga, you can strengthen your vision for life. After a certain interval, the eyesight automatically decreases. And the muscles around the eyes lose their elasticity and become rigid. But if the muscles around the eyes are strong then the eyesight increases. There is a deep connection between the eyes and the mind. 40 percent of the brain’s capacity depends on the light of the eyes. When we close our eyes, the mind automatically gets rest. 35 percent of the world’s total population suffers from nearsightedness (myopia) and farsightedness (hypermetropia), due to which people use thick glasses. But eyesight cannot be increased by using glasses. Eyesight can be maintained by doing yoga.
Take care of some things during work:
Keeping the neck straight, rotate the eyeballs up and down first 4-6 times and then right-left. After that, rotate clockwise and anti-clockwise in right-left circularity 4-6 times.
While moving the eyes, cover the eyes with the middle part of the palms for some time, this will keep the muscles of the eyes strong.
While working on the computer, look at least 20 feet away after every 10 minutes, this will help in maintaining distant vision.
To do this activity, first of all, lie down in Shavasana, keeping both hands beside the thighs and palms on the ground. Lift the legs by bending them at the knees and lift the back up to the shoulders. Support the raised part of the body by keeping both hands below the waist, in this way keep the chin attached to the chest. Don’t hold your breath now. Now bend the legs from the knees and bring them back near the forehead. Now, keeping the hands on the ground, slowly bring the body and legs into Shavasana. Keep your eyes open while doing the asana. By doing this asana, the eyesight increases rapidly. Anger and irritation also end. This posture is very useful for the mind of children.
If you want to learn different types of yoga asana then you can join a 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh.
To do this asana, lie down on your back with a comfortable and calm mind. Leaving the legs loose, keep the arms close to the body and keep them on the side. Let the body become completely stable on the floor. By doing this asana, the fatigue and pressure of the body will be reduced. The speed of breath and pulse will become normal. Eyes get rest and light increases.
Pranayama :
Pranayama is done by sitting in the posture of Padmasana and Siddhasana. This can be done in both physical and mental practices. By doing Pranayama, the mind remains stable and the eyesight remains intact. Pranayama keeps both bodies and minds healthy.
Many people who keep their eyes closed while working continuously for 8-10 hours on the computer, have their eyes get damaged. Sleeping alone is not enough to give rest to the eyes. Due to weakness in the eyes, the problem of memory defects and irritability becomes common, for which eye yoga is very important.